Advisory Group on Nuclear Security within the IAEA.
International Atomic Energy Agency.
Association nationale des comités et commissions locales d’information (French National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions).
Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (French Nuclear Safety Authority).
Accident Source Term Evaluation Code.
Assessment of the effects of ionizing radiation on bees.
Business Unit – International Business Development (Développement commercial à l’International).
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission).
Directorate of Military Applications of the CEA.
CABRI international program.
Commission locale d’information (Local Information Commission).
Comité local d’information et de suivi (Local information and monitoring committee).
Commission particulière du débat public (Special National Commission for Public Debate).
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Chemical Weapons Convention.
Direction déléguée au développement numérique et aux systèmes d’information de l’IRSN (IRSN Directorate for Digital Development and Information Systems).
Dialogues entre chercheurs et lycéens pour les intéresser à la construction des savoirs (Dialogs between researchers and high school students to get them interested in building knowledge).
Direction générale de l’armement (French Government Defense procurement and technology agency).
Evolutionary power reactor / European pressurized water reactor.
IRSN Emergency Response Center.
European Safeguards Research and Development Association.
European Technical Support Organizations Network.
European Joint Program on Radioactive Waste Management.
Gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences (Strategic workforce planning).
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit / GRS – Company for the safety of nuclear facilities and reactors in Germany.
Haut Comité pour la transparence et l’information sur la sécurité nucléaire (High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Safety).
High environmental quality.
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (Fukushima University).
Institut National du Cancer (French National Cancer Institute).
Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment).
Institute for Nuclear Materials Management.
Institut national des sciences appliquées (French National Institute of Applied Sciences).
International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group.
Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires (French Nuclear Sciences and Technology Institute).
Integrated Risk Management for making companies more resilient in the age of global change.
Japanese Atomic Energy Agency.
Joint Research Center of the European Commission.
Moyens d’essais Appliqués à l’étude du Confinement assuré par des Murs en Béton Armé (Test Means Applied to the Study of Containment by Reinforced Concrete Walls).
MOnitoring equipment and DAta Treatment for Safe repository operation and staged closure.
MOdeling of RAdionuclide Dispersion.
Nuclear Regulation Authority / Japan.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission / USA.
Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative of the National University of Singapore.
Nagaoka University of Technology.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (French Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Choices).
Orientation pluraliste de la recherche sur les risques chroniques, initiatives sur le territoire de Dunkerque pour l’environnement et la santé
(Pluralist research focus on chronic risks, initiatives in the Dunkirk area for the environment and health).
Polish National Atomic Energy Agency.
Plateforme pluridisciplinaire de surveillance dans le cadre d’alternatives au stockage (Multidisciplinary monitoring platform for disposal alternatives).
Passive Systems Thermalhydraulic Investigations for Safety.
Plan national de gestion des matières et déchets radioactifs (French National Radioactive Materials and Waste Management Plan).
Plan particulier d’intervention (Special intervention plan).
Qualité de vie et des conditions de travail (Quality of life and working conditions).
Call for research projects on nuclear safety and radiation protection.
Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale (French Secretariat-General for National Defense and Security).
Système d’information de la surveillance de l’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants (Information system for monitoring exposure to ionizing radiation).
Sustainable network for independent technical expertise.
Small Modular Reactor.
3rd-generation nuclear ballistic missile submarine.
Santé Publique France (Public Health France).
Service des politiques d’ouverture à la société de l’IRSN (IRSN outreach policies department).
State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety / Ukraine.
Technical Safety Organization.
Uranium natural graphite gas.
Compiègne University of Technology.
Russian acronym for pressurized water reactor.